Fertech Exchange


Fertech Exchange

$95.00 inc. GST

Sodium displacement – 500ml per 100m2 with at least 8 litres of water Irrigate with 3-6mm of irrigation immediately.

Calcium & Magnesium deficiency – 200-400ml with 6 litres monthly or as required.

SKU: FFEREX-5 Categories: ,


Fertech Exchange is a liquid calcium and magnesium amendment using both nutrients in a highly soluble form. These elements are teamed with a highly effective surfactant to assist in flushing the beneficial calcium and magnesium through the soil profile to replace sodium attached to exchange sites on the soil colloid. This product is ideal for use in sodic or high salinity situations where accumulation of sodium in the soil root zone is a problem. Fertech Exchange will assist in improving and building soil structure to improve percolation of moisture through the profile and improve
nutrient exchange in the root zone. Once Fertech Exchange has flushed sodium from exchange sites the plant reacts by producing a vigorous root system.

Additional information

Weight 5 kg
Analysis: 7% N, 9% Ca, 2% Mg + 10% ALSProduct Details:

Fertech Exchange is a liquid calcium and magnesium amendment using both nutrients in a highly soluble form. These elements are teamed with a highly effective surfactant to assist in flushing the beneficial calcium and magnesium through the soil profile to replace sodium attached to exchange sites on the soil colloid. This product is ideal for use in sodic or high salinity situations where accumulation of sodium in the soil root zone is a problem. Fertech Exchange will assist in improving and building soil structure to improve percolation of moisture through the profile and improve
nutrient exchange in the root zone. Once Fertech Exchange has flushed sodium from exchange sites the plant reacts by producing a vigorous root system.

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