Poa / Wintergrass (Poa Annua)
Poa is a grassy winter annual with perennial and biennial variations. Poa is light green in colour with a tufted or clustered growth habit and a white panicle (flower branch) inflorescence germinating from late winter throughout spring and summer, if conditions permit.
Leaf blades are folded along its vein with a “long boat” shaped leaf tips that curl up at the ends. Poa is a very adaptive weed that can thrive in shaded areas and full sun depending on moisture conditions. It can handle low mowing heights.
Plants mature quickly and seed early, making them an aggressive weed that can be difficult to control. Fortunately selective herbicides are effective with most grass varieties.
Lawn Addicts can advise about the best lawn care programs using kikuyu, couch and buffalo grass weed killer.