Capeweed (Arctotheca Calendula)
Capeweed is an annual cool season broadleaf weed, low to the ground with light green leaves and distinctive large serrated outline, while the underside of the leaves is usually a textured, silvery-white colour.
Germination usually commences in mid to late autumn, and the lifecycle continues until late spring or early summer when it sends out its single yellow flower with a black middle, before going to seed.
The continuing lifecycle of Capeweed can be controlled by regular mowing and prevention of flowers or seed heads (regular mowing is very regular as flowers return in a couple of days in bad situations, and sometimes not practical). By constant removal of its heads, the weed misses its only means of reproducing. Hand weeding is also an easy and effective treatment, as well as hoeing over the small seedlings.
Both selective and non-selective herbicides manually controlled can be used to easily control capeweed.
Lawn Addicts provides a range of lawn care products online, including selective broadleaf weed herbicides recommended for capeweed.