Amendmax Lime 20kg


Amendmax Lime 20kg

$38.50 inc. GST

Application Rate:

2-4kg per 100m² for maintenance, 5-10kg per m² for renovation

SKU: 0FAMLIME20 Category:


AmendMAX Lime is a highly concentrated, water-dispersive lime amendment suitable for use on fine cut turf, either at renovation or throughout the year in a maintenance program.

Excellent for use as a sodium displacement agent and increasing pH of acidic soils.

Key features of AmendMAX Lime Soil Conditioner

  • Highly concentrated, water-dispersive granule
  • Ideal for use on finecut turf such as golf and bowling greens
  • Excellent for displacing sodium & increasing pH of acidic soils
  • Ideal for renovation or throughout the year in a maintenance program
  • Premium soil conditioner
  • For best results apply with a calibrated fertiliser spreader

Application Guide for AmendMAX Lime Soil Conditioner

For best results, apply the product to a dry leaf, and then irrigate following application to disperse the granules and move them into the soil profile to initiate the amendment process.

To achieve the best results, apply it using a calibrated fertiliser spreader.

Additional information

Weight 20 kg
Analysis: 38% Calcium CarbonateProduct Details:

AmendMAX Lime is a highly concentrated, water-dispersive lime amendment suitable for use on fine cut turf, either at renovation or throughout the year in a maintenance program.

Excellent for use as a sodium displacement agent and increasing pH of acidic soils.

Key features of AmendMAX Lime Soil Conditioner

  • Highly concentrated, water-dispersive granule
  • Ideal for use on finecut turf such as golf and bowling greens
  • Excellent for displacing sodium & increasing pH of acidic soils
  • Ideal for renovation or throughout the year in a maintenance program
  • Premium soil conditioner
  • For best results apply with a calibrated fertiliser spreader

Application Guide for AmendMAX Lime Soil Conditioner

For best results, apply the product to a dry leaf, and then irrigate following application to disperse the granules and move them into the soil profile to initiate the amendment process.

To achieve the best results, apply it using a calibrated fertiliser spreader.

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