Additional Plans

SKU sup003

Additional Plans

$15.00$140.00 inc. GST

SKU: sup003 Category:


Already a Superintendent subscriber?

Purchase additional plans here.

We will send you a form for some site information and generate the plan name for you, assign it to your subscription so you can have separate areas around your home or a property on its own plan.

We can also build you a second fully customised plan under the same subscription.

If you’re a contractor, you can have your clients on their own plan to help you manage their product applications.

This is a once-off purchase; you will retain these for the life of your subscription.

Renewal 1

Additional information

Type of plan

A blank plan to build yourself, An additional plan custom built by Lawn Addicts

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Product Details:

Already a Superintendent subscriber?

Purchase additional plans here.

We will send you a form for some site information and generate the plan name for you, assign it to your subscription so you can have separate areas around your home or a property on its own plan.

We can also build you a second fully customised plan under the same subscription.

If you’re a contractor, you can have your clients on their own plan to help you manage their product applications.

This is a once-off purchase; you will retain these for the life of your subscription.

Renewal 1

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